Monday, July 2, 2007

Hadith of the week

Asalam ualaykum,

17. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.A.) relates that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has declared that: Allah will continue to accept the repentance of His creatures till the sun rises from West (Day of Judgment).

Commentary: Taubah means returning to Allah from sins. When a person commits a sin, he goes away from Allah. When he repents, he returns to Allah and desires for being pardoned by Him, and getting near Him. This returning towards Him is Taubah. When it is said that `Allah turns towards him', it means that Allah accepts his repentance.

*I will soon combine these reminders with quran and hadith. Insha'Allah



NOTE: The hadith mentioned here is completely identical with Riyadh-Us Saleheen.
**Send/Tell this to people, so as one ummah, we may benefit. Insha’Allah.

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